Tuesday, 6 March 2012


Breast cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cancer tumor cells in the breast. As you are aware, all breast cancer cells spread from a single cell, which destroy other healthy breast cells and tissues.
Breast cancer is a common and a major fatal health problem for many women and some “men” around the world. For many women breast cancer in its early stages (carcinoma in situ “stage 0”) is usually not painful, but as the cancer grows to different stages (micrometasis “stage I”, stage II “IIA and IIB” and so on) in the breast tissue it could cause discomfort and may change the size, shape, color or feel of the skin, areola and nipples.
Many scientist and researchers don’t understand exactly what causes breast cancer, although, studies suggest that patients could get breast cancer by long exposure to female sex hormones, like estrogen and progesterone or by taking birth control pills. Therefore, let’s see how natural sex hormones and birth control pills could increase the risk of a woman getting breast cancer.
Female sex hormones develop during puberty (a period when the sexual reproductive organs mature) during puberty female sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone are also produced in the ovaries, this hormones help to control reproductive organ development, regulate menstruation and pregnancy. As stated earlier scientist say that female sex hormones contribute to breast cancer cells growth. How you may ask? At puberty, estrogen and progesterone increase and decrease at menopause. The longer the time differences from puberty to menopause, the longer the exposure to estrogen and the higher the probability for a woman, to have breast cancer.

Many scientist and doctors say that continuous use of birth control pills could result in breast cancer. How? Birth control pills have being used, since the 1960’s to prevent pregnancy, many birth control pills are made from female sex hormones, like the most popular birth control pill called combination pills, is made from estrogen and progestin. Although birth control pills are effective in preventing pregnancy, they also increase the amount of estrogen in the body that, could help breast cancer cells grow, increasing the probability of a woman to have breast cancer.
Weather a woman should take birth control pills or not will depend on what her doctor prescribes.
Thank you for reading this article.

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