Thursday 31 May 2012

Natural Cure For Breast Cancer With Coffee Enemas

I learned about coffee enemas when searching for a natural treatment for breast cancer. After careful consideration of all my options, including chemotherapy and radiation, I chose the Gerson Therapy, a natural treatment for cancer and other degenerative diseases.

At first I was hesitant about the use of coffee enemas as part of the therapy, but faced with a life threatening disease I was willing to try this strange sounding procedure. Much to my surprise I found it to be an easy and refreshing treatment that I actually enjoyed. I immediately felt lighter, happier and more limber.

Organic coffee is a powerful agent for detoxifying. When taken as an enema it purifies the liver and its stored negative emotions, like worry, anger and fear. It gives great relief for both body and mind while fighting cancer.

According to the Gerson Therapy, the caffeine in coffee administered as an enema detoxifies the liver. The coffee enema is retained for about 10 minutes. All of the body's blood passes through the liver every three minutes. As this vital fluid passes through the caffeinated liver, the blood serum is detoxified.

Coffee enemas flush toxic bile from the liver which further affects the body's enzymatic catalyst, known as glutathion S-transferase (GST). The GST is increased in quantity by 700 percent by a coffee enema—an excellent physiological effect, because the GST enzyme destroys free radicals.

Discovered by Dr. Max Gerson while serving as a medic in World War I, the coffee enema was found to relieve pain and accelerate healing in wounded soldiers. It later became a part of The Gerson Therapy, a natural regime he developed for healing cancer.

The coffee enema, combined with the Gerson Therapy diet of fresh organic juices, vegetarian foods and supplements, has proved to be an effective method for combatting breast cancer. Flooding the body with nutrition while eliminating toxins boosts the body's cancer fighting ability and allows it to heal naturally. Within just a few months, my tests confirmed that the cancer was in remission. Not only did I avoid the terrible side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, but I learned to take control of my health and rebuild my body to be strong and resilient. It's not easy to step out of the box of traditional cancer treatment and try an alternative therapy. It requires great strength, optimism and trust in the body's natural healing power.

Since undergoing the Gerson Therapy five years ago, I have been enjoying radiant health and strength. I still do coffee enemas a couple of times a month as a preventative measure and to keep my liver strong and healthy.

Friends often ask me if they can do coffee enemas for various health complaints, and the answer is yes! It's a great cleanse that will help improve digestion, complexion, allergies, immunity, arthritis, and many degenerative diseases. I have scribbled out the recipe for people many times on the back of a napkin or envelope. Now I have finally created a blog to share and discuss the procedure, recipe and benefits.

I also recommend that if you are seriously ill, contact the Gerson Institute and undergo the full treatment for your disease—whether as an alternative to conventional medicine, or as a supplement to help purify the system after chemotherapy.

As a breast cancer survivor, I encourage anyone faced with this disease to research their alternatives for natural treatment and not to overlook the healing wonders of the body—and of coffee enemas!

By: Marie Mechelle

Marie Michelle is a breast cancer survivor who used coffee enemas and the Gerson Therapy for healing cancer. Her dedication to the treatment proved successful in regaining her health and resilience to disease. As an advocate of the healing benefits of coffee enemas, she presents useful information, instructions and the recipe on her blog:Coffee Enema Recipe, Gerson Institute

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Information On Self Examination Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a commonly seen cancer among women. Every woman should be aware of any changes that appear in her breasts. The majority of breast cancer cases occur in women aged over 50. The incidence increases with age. The stage at which a woman has breast cancer diagnosed greatly influences her survival chances. The earlier the detection, the greater is the chances of survival.

Women from the lower socio-economic class and women living in rural areas have a lower risk. Having a baby before the age of 20 has a protective effect. The risk of breast cancer is more in women who have had their first baby after the age of 35. In this article you will learn how to self examine your breasts for breast cancer. Here is a five point plan for routine self examination:

Know what shape and size of the breast is normal for you.
2. Carefully examine the look and feel.
3. Know what changes to look for.
4. Report any changes without delay.
5. Go in for breast screening regularly around the age of 40 or above. Go in for mammography.

Every young woman should know how to examine her own breasts after each menstrual period. Before dressing, lie on your back with a small pillow under the shoulder on the side you are examining. This tends to flatten out the breast and makes the detection of any tumors that much easier. Then using the soft, flat part of the fingers of the opposite hand, gently palpate or feel the breast tissues, outlining the normal curves of the breasts and noting whether any small masses are developing either within the breast tissue itself or up in the armpit. Then place the pillow under the other shoulder and carry out the same procedure, using the other hand.

It is suggested that before menopause, normal breasts feel different at different times of the month. The milk producing tissues in the breast become active in the days before a period starts. In some women, the breast feels tender and lumpy, especially near the armpits. After a hysterectomy, the breasts usually show the same differences every month until the time when the periods would have stopped. After menopause, activity in the milk producing tissues stops. Normal breasts feel soft and less firm. They are not lumpy either.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

By: Nick Mutt

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Wednesday 23 May 2012

Self Breast Examination and Personalized Breast Cancer Treatment

There has been no time like the present where campaigns for breast cancer awareness and personalized breast cancer treatment have been surfacing all over the web and in medical news. Most importantly, early detection increases your chances of survival. Therefore it is very essential to be aware of your own breast. Although it can be difficult, being familiar with the appearance, texture and feel of your own breast is very important.

There is no clear cut manner how to be breast aware. Just knowing your breast is the key to knowing when abnormalities occur. You can feel and look for abnormalities self breast examination. While having routine breast screening is important and recommended for woman of 50 years and above, experts suggest that a woman should do regular self breast examination for early breast cancer detection.

While a woman who doesn’t have breast cancer can do regular self breast cancer examination, a woman with breast cancer can has the option to undergo diagnostic testing for a personalized breast cancer treatment. DirectHit Test panel provides a helpful tool that physicians can use to design an anticancer therapy which can be the most effective and cost efficient breast cancer therapy, while keeping the patient safe and secure.

DirectHit Test panel can be best summarized as providing information and details about the tumor that will not only determine the tumor, it can also be beneficial in the identification of what type of personalized breast cancer treatment will be most effective.

The two items discussed are very important, from early detection to proper breast cancer treatment. Being aware of your breast and performing regular breast self examination will make you more confident of your health status. And by the same token, a breast cancer patient will feel more secure and confident about the prescribed coarse of medication with the use of personalized breast cancer treatment. These two are important things for a woman to know. To understand how to detect and cure breast cancer is like a shield you have for your health, a protection against the ordeal breast cancer can bring not only to you but to your family as well.

About the Author

Bobby Blackwell VP of Sales and Marketing of DirectHit. DirectHit Test Panel for Breast Cancer helps physicians predict which anticancer therapy treatments will be the most effective for individual breast cancer patients who want to have personalized breast cancer treatments.

Monday 14 May 2012

The 8 Common Breast Cancer Test Methods

Breast cancer starts in the tissues of the breasts. It is rare that it starts in any other part of the breast. According to s survey, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their respective lifetime. Mentioned below are the breast cancer test types depending on the purpose or stages of cancer a person is in:

1. Diagnostic Testing

2. Screening Testing

3. Treatment Testing

There are numerous breast cancer test methodologies available for detecting breast cancer. Here's a look at how they work:

1. Mammography: This is a breast cancer test which is taken in order to detect breast cancer in its early stages. This test is not considered to be the most accurate of all tests. But still it is considered one of the best testing options for breast cancer. 

2. Breast MRI: This method uses magnetic resonance imaging to generate images of the breast and the surrounding tissue. A breast MRI is usually done along with mammography or an ultrasound. This test is needed to get more detailed pictures of the breast, which is otherwise not possible with mammography or ultrasound alone.

font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px; text-align: left;">3. Breast Ultrasound: This test uses ultrasound waves to generate imagery of the breast. This test is performed to find out whether a lump in the breast is a solid mass or if it is a cyst.

4. CT Scan or Computer Tomography Scan: This test uses x-rays to generate cross-section imagery of the human body. This test is needed to identify masses and tumors in the human body.

5. Molecular Breast Imaging: This is a testing method which involves a radioactive material that traces and "lights up" the areas of cancer inside the breast. This testing method is still under research.

6. FISH Testing (flouroscence in situ hybridization): This is a test which is used to map the genes in a person's cells. It is usually opted for in the case of invasive cancer. It is used to find out if an invasive cancer is having too many HER2 cells.
7. Breast PET: This stands for Breast Positron Emission Tomography. This test also involves a radioactive tracer to find the lumps. This test is often used when all such tests like the MRI and the CT Scan fail to provide sufficient information.

8. Lymph Node Biopsy: This test involves the removal of a lymph node for examining it under a microscope. This test is performed in the case of swollen glands. This test is also performed when tests such as the MRI and CT Scan fail to provide enough information. This test involves needle biopsy, mediastinoscopy and bronchoscopy.
By: Sandy Rutherforde

For more information on breast cancer test please visit our website Treatments For Breast Cancer.

Monday 23 April 2012

Understanding Advanced Breast Cancer Treatment

The very fact that a person is diagnosed with breast cancer can certainly have an adverse effect on the mind of that person. But what is more frightening is when the person learns that it is advance stage of breast cancer. However, cancer patients can now be given a relief of hope due to the availability of advanced breast cancer treatments. If the patient is made to realize that there are treatments available towards those types of cancers then this fact will bring increase hope of survival to these cancer patient victims and their mental state of mind will become positive and the treatment will be thus be effective enough.

It is a known fact that the survival chances towards advanced breast cancer is much lower than a breast cancer that is detected at stage one. Mostly, cancer patients who undergo first diagnosis (SEER) are found to have advance breast cancer which has spread to distant tissue. This type of situation is common among poverty based people and who have lack of health insurance. A patient suffering form advance breast cancer (Stage 4 breast cancer) has less chances of the body to have the ability to fight off the diseases. This is because by now the disease have spread far away into the body and the natural defense system is thus weakened breast cancer at stage , the survival rate is very high, about 98% to 100%. However, a woman who is diagnosed with advance breast cancer, the survival rate may come down to sixteen to twenty percent approximately.

These days we have advance breast cancer treatments which are being used. Also, more new treatments towards advance breast cancer are being developed. However, one should understand that stage 4 is the most deadly category of breast cancer. Advance breast cancer has metastasized to other distant organs of the body which include the bone tissue, lung tissue and the liver too. The test done to detect is in the form of chest X Rays, CT and bone scans. Almost all types of breast cancer victims have to undergo some type of surgery in order to remove the cancerous growth as much as possible. They also undergo chemotherapy too. This is done in order to kill of any microscopic scraps of the disease that may have left behind and if it is left untreated, it can then grow again and will lead to full fledged cancer again. Thus, advance techniques are also been used towards breast cancer treatment. The treatment is done in such a way so that it not only eliminates cancer but also prevents re-occurring of cancer.

There is yet another type of advance breast cancer and it is called as inflammatory breast cancer. Initially, there is some redness and warmth like thing in the skin of the cancer affected breast, often without any lump. The skin turns red because the cancer lies in the lymph vessels of the skin. Hence, the patient along with the doctor might consider it as a simple infection and thus may try to treat with antibiotics. But as time passes, it neither gets better nor worse too. Hence, the doctor now decides for a biopsy of the underlying tissue to detect if it is cancer. Even when mastectomy is done, there are chances of recurrence in the skin. Hence, chemotherapy should be the treatment that should be opted before any local treatment is administered. Inflammatory breast cancer is a serious disease. Usually in advance breast cancer, chemotherapy is suggested with three or four rounds of Adriamcin and Cytoxan. Also, Taxol or Taxotere can be used . After this, local treatment can be followed in the form of mastectomy.

One of the advance breast cancer treatments is in the form of a drug called Herceptin (Trastuzumab). This drug has been very effective towards certain types of advance breast cancers. A patient who has HER2 positive is suffering from a type of advance cancer, can be treated by Herceptin along with the chemotherapy drug called paclitaxel. HERZ is defined as human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. HERZ is located on the surface of cells and it is responsible for maintaining the growth of the cell in check. When HERZ starts to malfunction, it will then lead to cancer which starts working in an aggressive manner. People who are suffering from advance breast cancer and who undergoes such advance treatments, can hope for survival. However, I would like to advice people that earlier detection of cancer can help a patient to recover completely.


For more information on breast cancer treatment go to

Thursday 19 April 2012

Breast Cancer - Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer, or IBC, is a rare form of breast cancer. It is estimated to occur in only 1 - 3% of all breast cancer patients. It usually occurs in post-menopausal women, but cases have been found in girls as young as 12 and in men. IBC is usually diagnosed at an earlier age than other forms of breast cancer and is more common in African American women than in Caucasian women. This cancer has a higher mortality rate because it is often misdiagnosed in the early, more treatable stages. However, advances in cancer research have improved the survival rate.

This cancer grows rapidly; your symptoms will appear in a matter of days or weeks. Women with inflammatory breast cancer often have no idea that they have breast cancer because IBC does not usually form a lump in the breast. Instead, this cancer forms 'sheets' of cancer cells making your breast feel thicker or heavier than usual. Other symptoms of IBC include swelling and tenderness of the breast, discoloration (usually red to purple) of the breast, itching or pain in the breast, dimpled or rough looking skin on the breast, swelling or crusting of the skin on the nipple and flattening or retraction of the nipple. Many of these symptoms mimic those of a breast infection, or mastitis. Mastitis usually causes a fever and usually occurs in younger breast-feeding mothers. Mastitis will respond to antibiotics. IBC, which has been documented in breast-feeding women, does not cause a fever nor respond to antibiotics.

Because the symptoms of IBC are so similar to mastitis and because inflammatory breast cancer is so rare, many doctors misdiagnose this cancer as mastitis. Patients are often prescribed multiple rounds of antibiotics because it doesn't clear up after the first round. If you have these symptoms and your doctor wants you to take more than one round of antibiotics, ask for a biopsy or referral to a breast specialist. You may have to be very aggressive to get the proper diagnosis. This is vital because the earlier this is diagnosed, the sooner you can begin treatment and the better your survival chances.

A proper cancer diagnosis usually results from elimination of mastitis as a culprit, with the symptoms still present and possibly getting worse. Your doctor may schedule you for a mammogram or a breast sonogram to confirm the diagnosis, but these are not very reliable with this cancer because the affected area may not show up. A biopsy is the most effective way to confirm diagnosis of this cancer, however it may still be wrong if your doctor biopsies the wrong area of your breast. Because this cancer does grow very rapidly, your doctor may also schedule other tests to determine if your cancer has spread to other organs in your body. This will affect your course of treatment.

Your treatment depends largely upon whether your cancer has spread to other organs of your body. You will most likely have a team of doctors talking with you, trying to determine the best course of treatment for you. You will receive aggressive treatment because inflammatory breast cancer is a late stage cancer. This means you will most likely receive chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. You will most likely receive chemotherapy first because this cancer makes performing surgery first risky due to the skin changes it causes. Chemotherapy also works to shrink the size of the cancer, making it more likely that surgery will remove all of it. The surgery that most women choose with this cancer is a mastectomy, or complete removal of the affected breast. This is because the cancer is often widespread throughout the breast, making a surgery that preserves breast tissue highly unlikely.

During surgery, your surgeon will probably remove the lymph nodes under your arm to examine them for cancer. After surgery, you will most likely receive radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is used to kill any cancer cells that the surgeon may have missed and to help prevent the cancer from returning. Inflammatory breast cancer has a high incidence of recurrence, so your doctor may prescribe additional rounds of chemotherapy if you responded well to the previous rounds or hormone therapy if your cancer was the type that grew in the presence of estrogen.

By: Muscle Trainer

Muscleman is a Internet Health Advisor, compiled numerous success stories of cancers survivors. You can go to get your Natural Cancer Treatments ebook now.

Friday 13 April 2012

Breast Cancer Facts

The breast cancer signs and symptoms can be widely different for every woman. Some experience lumps, some experience skin changes that appear quite drastic and other women get no definite signs of breast cancer.

Some women experience similar signs and symptoms of breast cancer when it may just be a simple infection or maybe a cyst. All women of all ages – from teens upwards – should check their breasts for unusual lumps and bumps. If you think you find a lump or your breasts feel and look different, it is best to get an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.
The prognosis of a diagnosis for breast cancer can sometimes take many weeks and can include many different types of testing to undergo. This can be extremely frustrating and quite an upsetting time in any woman’s life. The up side of it is that once the prognosis has been made, you can start looking at the bigger picture. You can sit down with your doctors and formulate some kind of plan for treatment which will be specifically tailored just for you.

There are a few myths surrounding breast cancer and the breast cancer facts. Let’s look at some of the myths that you may or may not have heard before.

Some people believe that breast cancer only becomes a risk when you are older. This in some ways is true. However, younger women do get breast cancer as well.

Some people also believe that if breast cancer doesn’t run in the family they won’t actually get breast cancer. This isn’t true at all. It is thought that nearly 80 percent of women who have had breast cancer have no family history of the disease.

It was reported years ago that antiperspirants can put women at risk of developing breast cancer. This is unfounded and has never been proved that a link between using antiperspirants and breast cancer even exists. It has also been reported that using birth control pills can contribute to a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. There are many studies done over time that show no founded link between the two. One of the studies combined all the information received from all of the other studies and found a very slight increase. This increase was over time, but was not significant enough actually prove the link.

There has also been a lot of press about the association of high fat foods and the risk of breast cancer. While eating high fat foods isn’t good for health, there is no definitive research that the link between eating fatty foods and breast cancer actually exists. This could be a misinterpretation of the link between obesity and breast cancer which does actually exist and has been proven many times. If you make a lifestyle choice and eat lots of high fat foods, you will eventually become overweight and possibly obese. This will then in turn, increase your risk of developing breast cancer at a later date.

By: Marlon Dirk

The could help you to educate pertaining to breast cancer, from the symptoms, statistics and facts on how to treat and prevent Breast Cancer.